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dimanche 17 avril 2016

About Xamarin language of Microsoft

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Xamarin microsoft

Everyone knows Visual Basic programming language launched by Microsoft Corp. in the nineties of the last century (1991), which of course only limited to hardware and Microsoft's servers.
20 years after the launch of this language, Microsoft has once again launched a new language in 2011, but this time ..
Language launched which became able to work it out on Android and the iOS devices means the same work you do C#, Java, and Swift and Objective-C became able to do from Xamarin.
Personally, I feel that Microsoft has launched this language out for marketing, where it became just want you want to keep up with new market and no longer want to legalize software launched by them and make them confined only.
Because everyone has forgotten Visual Basic and everyone went to Java and Swift since they are most in demand in the market which you can create professional applications and won big sums of money from which languages.
Comes the language Xamarin supp
ortive platform HockeyApp which is a platform that provides for the developer to know a lot of information about the development of software, from software errors, new additions, due to the fact that the platform provides many of the users of your application experience and work Feedback you what they are giving you new tips and suggestions.
Besides the features mentioned now, Xamarin provide you Xamarin Test Cloud platform that offers you the possibility of your application or your software to hundreds of devices have different features experience, in order to examine the errors in your application before the launch of the latter and make it available to all.

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